# Cop #Office 365 A1 A3 E3 E5 subscription version details, what is the difference between the various types of accounts

textbook 2年前 (2023) mjjfaka
4,890 0
The adverts are great too.


There are many versions of Office which can be categorised as Personal / Enterprise. There are 2 versions of accounts, which are personal account/enterprise sub-account.

# Cop #Office 365 A1 A3 E3 E5 subscription version details, what is the difference between the various types of accounts

Enterprise Edition has a concept called global. It can be understood as an enterprise. Under a global there are many accounts with different permissions. The administrator can add/delete/view any other account/any file under them.

There is also the concept called subscription. Unlike a personal account, a corporate sub-account can't do anything, it's a blank page when you log in. You need to have a subscription to use the service.

A global that has not purchased any subscriptions is called an empty global, and a global that has no administrator is called an unmanaged global

Underneath the subscriptions are many services, and different subscriptions contain different services.

Like A1 includes outlook onedrive etc, A1P has more desktop board office than A1.

this tableIncludes some subscription service differences.

Administrators can buy subscriptions, pay per head, and distribute them to other sub-accounts.

Enterprise sub-accounts have to have a subscription to use theoffice outlook onedrive and the like.

All account types in this post are corporate sub-accounts

Education Subscription

Microsoft gives some discounts to educational units for students to use. A1/A3/A5 or something like that, where A1 costs $0

Only those with the global that have the education tag tagged can buy education subscriptions, there are many people pretending to be educational organisations and getting education subscriptions, once Microsoft finds out that you're not a proper educational organisation, it just flops.

Education tag.Microsoft's backend tags the global with an education tag, a non-profit tag, a government tag, or something like that, and only the global that has the education tag tag can purchase an education subscription.


Education Domain Name

  • edu.xx class

Microsoft has some domain names added to the whitelist in order to speed up the review. As long as you register with a domain name of edu.xx, you will pass the education qualification audit directly and get the education tag

Some edu domains are not well audited, there are too many white votes, and Microsoft then banned some edu.xx. For example, edu.ge/edu.rs can't pass Microsoft's education verification.

  • generic domain name class

A long time ago, some countries didn't have educational domains. Schools just went straight to org/com/.xx or something like that.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, for example, uses ust.hk, not ust.edu.hk

Those schools applied for educational status with Microsoft, and Microsoft added the domain name to the educational whitelist in the process

After that those countries launched education domains, so some universities switched to edu.xx domains

Another part of the former common domain name is just abandoned. Can be registered/purchased by us

But these domains are still inside the whitelist. We'll call him Educational Domains. The A1 vendor scanned a bunch of

  • A1P domain name

I'm not really sure about the source of this one, I just know that some domains don't have the same educational qualifications, they are usually issued with A1 licences, but some are issued with A1P licences (very rare), I guess those schools had some kind of agreement with Microsoft in the first place? I don't know if there's a big guy who can clarify this?

Self-service page

Earlier in the year, Microsoft licked the school and got aSelf-service page. As soon as you enter the mailbox of your education domain, Microsoft automatically opens an unmanaged global for you and then opens a sub-account for you.

School network administrators can DNS authenticate and take over this whole thing, but most schools simply ignore the

Many edu mailboxes can sign up for unmanaged global sub-accounts, and that's where it comes from

The page is still there, but the functionality has been drastically limited and no new global is being opened.

Nowadays, self-help pages will first check if the domain already has a global, and if it doesn't, they won't open a new global anymore. If there is already a global and there is an educational subscription, it will open a number for you and give you an educational subscription

Here's the kicker, if there is a global with no subscriptions (or full subscriptions). And your domain has educational eligibility, Microsoft will directly give this global under 500 A1/A1P subscriptions. It started with 1500000, became 5000 with too many white votes, and last May became 500

Self-service web pages look only at the domain name, not the tag. tagless education subscriptions are where it's at.

It's a modus operandi we call smuggling.

And there's more to it than that.

  1. Global binding education a domain name
  2. Stowaway permit using the above method
  3. Unbundle Domain Name
  4. Go back to step 1 and bind another global
  5. A1 dealers don't know how to use this method and swipe hundreds of global out for sale
  6. This method has been blocked, now once the unbundled domain name, not only the domain name is directly moved out of the whitelist, but also comes with the deletion of subscription + drop tag


Regular registration

Now Microsoft no longer turns on the full board automatically. Schools have to go through theThis link.to apply for registration.

After the application is approved, the global is able to get the education tag.

If you have an educational domain name, you can apply for it directly. If you don't have one, you have to prepare the documents and submit them for manual application review.

Educational licences can only be purchased after the educational tag has been obtained. The price of one of the A1 licences is $0, with a maximum of 1500,000 copies to be purchased


Educational licences

  • A1

The most common licences. Subscription price $0

onedrive, 1T(preset)/5T(administrator expansion)/25T(find Microsoft customer service to expand)

outlook, used as a domain name mailbox

  • A1P

Schools signing agreements to give away licences

More desktop board office 365 services than above

  • A3

More Minecraft Education Edition than above

Microsoft once accidentally set the price of A3 to $0 last May and people went on a buying spree. It has since returned to normal.

Microsoft also found a lot of people white voting and immediately clamped down! High chance of being blocked if bought at that time

But the ones that aren't blocked are really permanently $0


There are also means such as MPN/dealer purchases and the like to be able to get subscriptions to A5 and the like


overturn a vehicle

Microsoft will block you when they find out that you are not a regular educational institution as a whole, commonly known as a rollover

There are several types of rollovers

lose licence

The licence's gone.

Seems like the least severe punishment.

I've never come across one like this, can any of the big boys chime in?


  • Seal off your global management

It's all sealed like this at first.

But the mjjs learnt quickly and added a new privileged management account

Privilege management is not global management. But it is possible to add other global administrations


  • Seal off your entire administration.

Microsoft soon found out about privileged management and changed it to blocking all your management

As long as it's an admin, it's blocked.

But mjjs learnt quickly. Switching to a self-service web page to brush up on sub numbers

But even if it's unmanaged, the self-service page will work as long as the domain name is still up!

As long as you set up a domain email address, you can continue to swipe the sub number (unmanaged)


  • All accounts banned

Microsoft soon found out about the self-service web swipe numbers

All accounts are banned, whether you're an admin or not.

In order to avoid mistakenly blocked, affecting the whole school teachers and students, the general blocking only blocked management, regular school mention will be able to provide information to retrieve. This is blocked during the period, students are not affected

Microsoft is sure that this global 100% is not a regular subscription to block it like this

But the mjjs learnt quickly. Switch to API unblocking

Go to AAD and add a new set of API Key, authorise this API beforehand, and manage the permissions globally.

Even if all users are blocked, the API is not a user. Because the API still has permissions, it can add a new global admin to get back control


  • Set your SPO quota to zero.

Microsoft found the API unblocked. Now it simply doesn't block your account, and when it does, it's being retrieved in all sorts of ways

The office back-end, almost all of which is based on the Share Point Online architecture, hereafter referred to as SPO.

All records/files in onedrive / outlook / sites / teams, etc. are files located in SPO.

And SPO has a daily limit.

The back end just sets your quota to 0 and you can't use almost anything

The general comment that OD doesn't work/OD hangs is in this category

And this quota we can't change at all, we can only change it in the Microsoft backend

This is kind of a one and done. I don't care what you have to do to get your account back, it doesn't work properly anyway

For A1P and above, you can still activate the office365 desktop board. The A1 sub number would be really completely useless


Developer Subscription

Microsoft's ecosystem is big and full of various APIs

In order to encourage developers to help Microsoft develop various apps for free, Microsoft has opened a convenient door to help developers get a developer subscription

To make it easier for developers to develop various apps and not to encounter strange restrictions. The developer subscription unlocks almost all services, with the exception of some of the more expensive ones. For example calling/activating windows and such

There are 2 categories of developers, one is free developers, you can go here to register.

One kind of paid developers, to buy MSDN. can get more development resources, such as Azure credits and so on, as development/testing purposes

Developer subscription for development use only

Common Developer Subscriptions

  • E3 MSDN

Near 2018, Microsoft gave MSDN developers an E3 MSDN subscription

The time limit is permanent and soon the registration channel will be closed and out of print

Right now it seems to be the most stable permanent subscription. It hardly ever rolls over. The only reason it does roll over is if Microsoft says it's for development use only and you're in breach of the agreement

Because Microsoft promised permanence in the first place, and unlike A1 and the like, it's limited to educational institutions. Non-educational organisations register and get caught and they will roll over

  • E5 MSDN

Now Microsoft is giving E5 MSDN with no time limit

But your MSDN subscription expires, and this subscription expires with it!

  • E3 Developer

Microsoft's subscription to free developers with a 1-year time limit

  • E5 Developer

Microsoft's subscription to free developers, with a 90-day time limit, renewable

Microsoft writes that it will detect behaviour underneath this account. API call logs, usage of various services, and so on.

Microsoft judge that the account is used to develop apps before automatically renewing it

The actual renewal is still all sorts of arcane. Some people brush up on their APIs every day and still don't pass, some people do nothing and renew automatically

Above these subscriptions, all 25 people subscription have outlook have desktop board office365 have onedrive 1T (preset) / 5T (administrator expansion) / 25T (find Microsoft customer service expansion)

Other Subscriptions

  • E3 SY Microsoft once accidentally opened it up for purchase for $0 Closed purchase channel, out of print, I heard it was heavily banned Functionality equivalent to E3
  • Teams free  To use Teams, you must have a subscription When you open Teams with a personal account, Microsoft's operation in the background is: open a global takeover to issue 500,000 Trams free subscriptions, elevate you to administrator, and then you have a subscription to operate in Teams. You can go to aad and take over that global that Microsoft opened automatically, then you can see the Teams free subscription.

This subscription is almost nothing, there are Teams access (nonsense), no outlook, no desktop board office365, but there is onedrive 2G (preset)/1T (administrator expansion) global SPO total capacity of 1T. this capacity is shared globally, no matter how many subnumbers you open, it is useless. This is the 1T.

Admin can set a single account limit of 25T, but the global capacity is only 1T, you see SPO set limit of 25T is false

  • Teams exploratory

Subscriptions are required to use Teams!

When opening Teams with an enterprise sub-account, if there are no Teams subscriptions in that global, 100 Teams exploratory subscriptions will be automatically issued, valid for one year

What happens after a year I don't know have outlook have onedrive 1T(preset)/5T(administrator expansion) no desktop board office365

The adverts are great too.